Sunday 3 pm In Person Worship

Listen for the beat of the drum and join us for worship in Queen’s Park, just behind the picnic shelters in the trees.  We love worshiping in the great Cathedral of God’s creation.  This happens rain, snow or shine.  Bring an umbrella or a blanket and come experience the warmth of God’s people together.  A fellowship meal is always served after this.  Everyone welcome.  Can’t find us, just call Julie at 778-251-6527 or Michael at 604-307-2543.

Worship Opportunities

Sunday 12:00 Noon

Zoom: Cross Culture Ministries meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm via Zoom

Weekly Bible Studies

Wednesday 7 pm In Person or Via Zoom

An opportunity to meet and learn together by reading and exploring the Bible; understanding how the Bible is relevant to us today and how we can live our lives by following the words of Christ.  This time together allows for questions, conversation and prayer.  Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Julie at 778-251-6527 or


Small Groups

Other small group opportunities exist throughout the year, including Ladies and Men’s fellowship groups, Baptism Classes, Evangelism training, Mental Health First Aid and Little Warriors Workshops  Watch our calendar of events for upcoming announcements.

Celebrate Recovery

Cross Culture has a long history in running recovery meetings.  As needs in our community present, we are glad to offer support to those who are walking a path toward recovery and healing.